Tuesday, November 3, 2009
a blind archer & the jar head 12-2007
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Old Glory Still Waves
In spite of the disrespect that is so prevalent all over America, Old Glory Still Waves. Red, White and Blue still stands for FREEDOM. Please take the time to view this slide show. Listen to Carmen as sings "America Again", allow the words of this POWERFUL song to help put things into the proper perspective.
When you take God out of the very fabric of what this Country was founded and built on, you start loosing the FREEDOMS that our forefathers fought so hard to afford all of AMERICANS today. FREEDOM is the reason our Military fights today. God bless and keep all of you.
I PRAY that we will allow God to direct our leaders in their interpreting and implementation of what our Constitution stands for.
God Bless America Again!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
sunnie in black & white
These pictures are some from an old shoot that I was privileged to shoot. Ricki Ford Photographers invited me to tag along with him on this senior shoot of a young lady. Sunnie accompanied the young lady that Ricki was shooting.
Ricki is a great photographer, to say the least. He allowed me to freely shoot in anyway I saw fit. I had a LARGE time photographing these moments in time.
I had an epiphany!!!!! I loaded Sunnie's pictures in photo shop and thought it would be fun processing a lot of black and white head shots. Guess what? I was right. I enjoyed editing these pictures almost as much as I did shooting them. I hope you enjoy viewing them.
"A Moment In Time" dean
Monday, October 19, 2009
joe & the family @ mama's
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
A few of my favorite pics from Mama's night on the town.
I realize that there are a lot of families that are going through similar situations as were are. I am sure that you feel the same way as our family does. I told Mama that, "you took care of me when I could not take care of myself, so now it is my turn."
Proverbs 16:31 says, "The hoary head is a crown of glory, if it be found in the way of righteousness."
Also, Proverbs says something else that is so fitting with this out ting. Ponder these Holy words of God, and they read, "A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken heart drieth the bones."
"A Moment In Time" dean

Mama @ the Olive Garden 9-26-2009
The Ray family decided that mama deserved a night on the town. We all met in Florence at the Olive Garden. We had to wait for a table, of course. It was well worth every minute. Mama had potato soup and as you can see in the pictures, really enjoyed every drop.
I want even start telling what I had. I will say, "it was really great!" We had a LARGE time. It is always good to know that mama has enjoyed herself.
It is moments in time like these that moves me to keep shooting. Enjoy! dean
Sunday, October 11, 2009
A few favs of mine river walk fotogs
Please keep a look out for more moments in time with dc photographers. dean

dean & cathy ray @ the river walk in conway, sc
Here is another piece of work that i did last year. cathy and I went to the River Walk in Conway, S.C. and shot these pictures. I set the camera on my try pod, set the timer and ran like crazy. We had a blast.
I really enjoy spending time with my bride. We have been married for 31 blissful years. I pray that the Lord will bless us with 31 more, with good health. I thank the Lord for a healthy 51 year old body. I am not as fast as I once was, but I am more steady now than I have ever been. Half a hundred is not nearly as bad as I had anticipated it to be.
I hope that you enjoy the river walk. a moment in time, dean
Spring time in Mama's flower garden

Beautiful Sunshine
We can also video those precious moments. James tells us in his book, chapter 4 verse 14, "Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour that appeareth for a little time and then vanisheth away."

Saturday, October 10, 2009
Sunshine's Portrait Shoot 12-13-08
Well, well, I have been anticipating posting this shoot for some time. This was one of my favorite shoots that I have ever done. We had such a great time. It was a beautiful sunny day in December, however; Sunshine didn't let a little thing like cold weather stop her from pulling this one off.
We met at the River Walk in Conway, S.C. and went right to work. We had been shooting for about an hour, when we ran up on another shoot. It was one of a beautiful young lady adorned in an evening gown. Remember, I said it was COLD! One look at this beauty, and you new the temperature out side.
We continued shooting, trying to absorb all of the beauty that God had painted on His canvas called, nature! The sky was sooo blue and the air was just cool enough to have a little sting to it.
Take a good look at Sunshine's dress. I wore a hooded, lined coat that day and I am sure that Sunshine came to really appreciate it. Judy, the soon to be bride's mother, would put it around her shoulders between shots. Sunshine was so easy to work with, all I had to do was click and she did the rest.
Another thanks goes out to Sherry Calder. She did a stellar job with Sunshine's makeup. As the day wore on, she would run after us with a compact and keep that little noise from shining like that noon day sun.
I can never show enough gratitude for my right hand, my bride, don't get me started with all of those adjectives. Cathy is always there for me. We work so well together, it is almost scary. Thank you my love for all that you do.
The dress! Sunshine picked out a very unique gown. As you can see, this is a gown that few people could wear so well. I will let the pictures answer the question, "can Sunshine do the gown justice?"
Sunshine, Cathy and I look forward to a continued relationship with you, Michael and we pray another little Sunshine or Michael. God bless your union. "A Moment In Time" dean
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Big Blue Eyes aKa David Cook
It is always an event in itself to have a camera around when David is in the room. He is a smiling almost all of the time. His eyes POP in almost any type lighting. All you have to do is, point and click.
David is the baby of the family of Erica and Stevie Cook. Erica is the daughter of my sister Lou. Let me know what you think about these pictures. I wish that they could be bigger. I hope that you enjoy viewing them half as much as I did shooting and editing them. a moment in time, dean
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Heavenly Places Vacation
Cathy and I want you guys to see a little of what we enjoyed while we were on vacation. We have always been notorious for not making a ridged schedule to follow while on vacation. Our typical vacation plans are, load up the car, make sure we have enough funds, help out opec, ha!, ha! and point the car in a general location.
We headed north and ended up in Wanynesville, N.C. I think I could get use to living there. We stayed in a Days Inn nestled on the side of a hill, over looking a lovely valley. We talked that night and decided to pick up the Blue Ridge Park Way and head North again.
Well, you get the idea. I hope that you enjoy these beautiful pictures. A Moment In Time, dean
Monday, October 5, 2009
Blake's Party @ Mama's
Hey it's me again! I know that it has been a REALLY long time since I posted any of our work. We have had a lot of negative things be-fall our families in the last few months.
My 82 year old Mama fell again and broke her hip. You know, she broke her first hip in December then six months latter, broke the other one. My sisters and I have to stay with her at night. Erica, my niece stays with her during the day. Mama requires 24 hour care.
Cathy's Grand mama fell at home and broke her hip which has healed up nicly. And now she is in the hospital with an infection in her blood, called mercer. She will bless your heart! There is never a dull moment hanging out with Grannie at 90 years young.
This slide show that I put together is of Blake and his family. He is a Marine and is stationed in Washington state. They came home for a week, so we had a cook out for them. Everyone showed up and had a great time.
I have been shooting when possible. I haven't had a paying gig in some time, however; I have been shooting a lot. I will be posting some of my favorite pics. I hope that you enjoy viewing them as much as I did shooting them.
"A moment in time"
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
I start them YOUNG:)
Don't forget to click on "OLDER POST" at the bottom right of the of the last posting, to enjoy more great photos. Please take the time to leave a comment. I enjoy hearing from you.
"OLDER POST" is NOT ALL OF THE WAY TO THE BOTTOM OF all pictures!!!! Watch for it at the end of about the fourth or fifth picture.

Mamas walking!!!!
Let's take the time to thank God for all good things, for they ALL come from Him!!!!! "Thank you Jesus"
mama and her baby boy;)
My brother in law, Billy and I were able to bring her home for Christmas day. We thank the Lord for those few hours together. Mama had a difficult time leaving her house and family to go back to Health South for her remaining therapy.
When she completed her rehabilitation, she stayed with my sister Dale, until we could complete the remodeling project on her bathroom. That is a posting all of it's on.
I said all of that, to say this. Mama walked on her own Sunday without the use of her walker or any one holding her arm. Praise the Lord!!!!!!

my four sisters and mama
We have an older brother that lives on the left cost. He is the eldest of the family and his name is Joe.
Oh, Mama is really the oldest:) Just for the record, mom and dad saved the best for last, ME!!!!! That is right, I am the baby of the family.
Dad has already gone on to Heaven and I sure do miss him sooo much. "Oh the circle want be broken, by and by Lord, by and by."
I love you, Lou!!!!!

Monday, May 4, 2009
marriage is ordained by God

Saturday, May 2, 2009
post happy;~}
If dc photographers can be of assistance with existing images or future shoots, please give Cathy or my-self a call at 843-615-2051 for Cathy and 843-615-2052 for Dean.
I look forward and it would be our honor to record your precious moments in time.
Don't forget to click on the words, "older post" to move to the next set of postings and continue to follow that procedure to be able to enjoy more sweet moments in time.
Thanks for stopping by, dean