the conway river walk is a beautiful location full of natural beauty in its own right. it is an awesome place for capturing the beauty that is so evident as is is displayed on the faces of two people that are in love with each other.

ashely, whom we have know, well, all of her life, exudes bridal anticipation as she and michael interact with each other.

Cathy and i only met micheal a few minutes before this shoot began. i instructed them to forget that we were even around. act as though the they were not being stalked by a camera man.

from the looks of most of these sweet moments in time, they follow instructions well.

dc had a LARGE time capturing the beauty of the love that exudes from the two lovely young peeps. we had to cut this shoot day a little bit shot due to an injury on the left wheel of the camera man. jdr went for a sweet shot, squatted down, nailed the moment in time and when I stood up, POP! my left knee went out on me. It hurt so badly that I could hardly catch my breath. I had injured it a few weeks before while climbing out of a BIG ditch at work.
dc is anticipation the day when we can reconvene to complete the collaboration efforts, recording more sweet LOVE.