Cathy Ray is my Bride for Life. I love her with all of my heart. A very special 'THANK YOU' goes to her for putting up with Mommas baby boy 'Dean'.
All of the times we would stay with Ma at night and then the other times when you stayed at home all alone. Thank you for cooking enough food to feed me and Mom.
Hey Jerry, don't get sooo much of my Mommas lovin'. Jerry Altman has been a help with so many venues in Mommas life I can't name them all.
Thank you for cutting Mom's grass, helping install the vent fan in Ma's kitchen, all those many hours you spent every nite enlarging Mom's bathroom. WOW!
The list goes On, and On and On....
Well, it has been since May 2, 2011 that Momma received her Heavenly reward. I have been told over the years that you don't miss someone until they are gone. Oh, how true, how true!!! I failed to mention the fact that Momma transferred on mine and Cathy's 33rd wedding anniversary.
Roger, never a dull moment when "Tick" is in the house, was NEVER lost for words. Thank you Roger for bring such joy to 'Mom's' life every time you came around. No matter how badly she felt, you always knew exactly what and how to say something to pick her up. All of the times you and Brenda would bring Momma some kind of candy or some of her favorite food, God bless you for all you have done. Words are so in-adequate to express my gratitude.
Hey Jerry, don't get sooo much of my Mommas lovin'. Jerry Altman has been a help with so many venues in Mommas life I can't name them all.
Thank you for cutting Mom's grass, helping install the vent fan in Ma's kitchen, all those many hours you spent every nite enlarging Mom's bathroom. WOW!
The list goes On, and On and On....

Roger, never a dull moment when "Tick" is in the house, was NEVER lost for words. Thank you Roger for bring such joy to 'Mom's' life every time you came around. No matter how badly she felt, you always knew exactly what and how to say something to pick her up. All of the times you and Brenda would bring Momma some kind of candy or some of her favorite food, God bless you for all you have done. Words are so in-adequate to express my gratitude.
Billy has always called Momma, 'Ma-in-law'. That is such an endearing address, that when I read it, it causes my mind to flood with memories of years gone by.
I can't begin to tell you the times that Billy got out of his re-cliner to go to town and bring Momma a hot dog or her meds or what ever Momma called for. Billy has worked on the Fire and Rescue for many years and is awesome in times of crises. When Momma need medical help she would always tell the girls to call Billy. Thank you Billy for loving my Momma.
Oh, by the way, everone helped with the bathroom enlarge. It was a labor of love, as were so many things that this awesome family did for the care of this wonderful Mother, "Hazel Ray, my Momma.

Momma, OH how I miss you;-( I am looking forward to the day that we can be together again. Love ya always,
your baby boy dean
Dean, Love the pictures & your words. They give me chills Love Curtis & Wynette
This brought tears to my eyes. Such a wonderful caring family!
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