we scheduled the shoot for saturday 1-21, but because of the forecast of rain, decided to reschedule it for friday, 1-20. the skies were over cast friday am. the forecast was for a 50% chance of rain. we loaded up and on faith headed to hartsville.
the closer we got to hartsville, the more it rained. Cathy and i pulled into carmel's drive, only to find the entire myers family in the car ready for the shoot.
ashley's asked if we wanted to grab something to eat while we waited, hoping the rain would tapper off. anyone that knows me, knows that i am ALWAYS ready for some GOOD food!
carmel had mentioned a place called BIGs located on the McCall farm in McBee, SC. I love samplings new resturants. it was as good as carmel and asheley said it was.
after we enjoyed lunch, and some great conversation, carmel and i ventured out to the shelter where several OLD tractors were stored. did i mention, dalton LOVES john deere tractors.
as you can see, the day was not a total wash out. i was able to grab a few shots of these two beautifl, amazing little boys.
we are hopping for better weather next week end. come back in a couple of weeks, and enjoy the myers precious moments in time from dc photographers.
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