Sunday, August 10, 2008

mom and dad

This is a picture that someone took of mom and dad not long before dad made his journey to Heaven. Cathy and I were living in Sarasota, Florida at the time. "Dad, i sure do miss you" ;~(
If you stiil have your parents with you, enjoy them all that you can. Tell them that you love them, but more than that show them.

7 comments: said...

You are a 100% right. We just have to show our parents how much we love them. I'm glad you got a photographs of your dad :) Good luck!

Christopher said...

Sometimes I think the simple shots, those SOOC, make for the best memories.

Last night my 12 year old son came home from school (his first day back) and had some homework that he had to do. Most of it was "What you did this summer" type of stuff. But there was one question that set me back. It asked "Who is your hero". He wrote "My Dad". It didn't take me long to realize that my dad was equally as much my hero.

Parents are amazing people.

I will make sure that I tell them that tonight.

Enoch Photography said...

Great post Dean --- I'll call mine today. Take care buddy have a great day! //enoch


so sorry to hear about your dad. you are right we take our parents out every week! awesome post my friend!

Ruby Rideout said...

I know exactly where you are coming from Dean.

"Do not take them for granted" is right on.

What I'd do to have mine back.

(p.s. thanks for your inspirational comments, so very appreciated)

Unknown said...

Love this image dude. somethings can never be replaced.
Don't forget we need to get together and shoot soon.

abcdef said...

I'm very sorry to hear about your Dad, and thanks for sharing this photo. It's a simple reminder that we all need to slow down a bit and spend more time with our loved ones, and treasure the memories of those that have gone on before us! Have a great day, Dean!