Saturday, July 26, 2008

Family siblings

This is an awesome family. David, seated, is a sick man. Cathy and I were honored with an invitation by Tammy and Jammy Dean, to be apart of this celebration. They are from North Carolina, but now live in Sarasota Florida, where Cathy and I fell in love with them. Friends and family members came from far and near to spend time with David and his family. The food was great but the fellowship was even better. You know the people in N.C. can cook:)
Cathy and I want David and his family to know that God is still on His throne and is still in control. We must look to Him for our help and strength. Keep looking up!

I ask our blogging friends to PRAY for David that Jesus will touch his body and heal him. Thank you David and family for including Cathy and I into your family.

We have many more "MOMENTS IN TIME" of this beautiful day. Even though it was raining outside, it was bright inside. God Bless You and yours!!!!!


Ruby Rideout said...

Dean my friend, prayers going out for your friend David.

And thank you for all your kind comments while I was traveling. Much appreciated.


sending lots of love and prayers his way!