Friday, July 4, 2008

I just celebrated my 1/2 half of a hundred birthday. WOW!!!! Think about that phrase:) I thank my Lord everyday for all of the years that He has blessed me with. I know that 50 is not the new 40, or so on. I do realize that time waits for no one. I want to live the rest of my time here on this earth in such a way, it pleases My Savior. He has truly been so good to me and mine. I want to read His Word more everyday, I must talk with Him even more day after day.

I thank Him for my beautiful BRIDE, Cathy:) She is my help meet. We two became as one flesh when we said,"I DO" 30 years later and it is still relevant, that is the " I DO"

I had a great friend of mine from Florida call me today. He gave me some sad news. His wife, Tammy's brother has cancer. The doctor only gives him a few months to live. I am so grateful for our doctors, however, they are just practicing physicians. I know that Doctor Jesus, the maker of this body, can speak to that cancer, "BE GONE" and it has to feel. I trust in that power. If you are a Christian, PLEASE pray for him. I will find out what his name is and let you know.

Jamie wants Cathy and I to go to N.C. to photograph a time of fellowship with him in a couple of weeks. Please pray for us so we will be able to capture "THE MOMENT IN TIME" I know it is hard on the family facing these dark days ahead. The great report about this gentleman is the fact that he is a Christian.

By the way, remember to click on the OLDER POST button to view more of our work. Thanks to everyone that has stopped by and left comments. They are encouraging to me. "A MOMENT IN TIME"



happy birthday my friend!

Unknown said...

Happy late b-day dude!! I will keep him in our paryers.

Tiffany said...

Happy late Birthday!!

cassandra-m said...

Happy Belated B-Day! And what do you mean...50 is the new 40...40 is the new 30...30 is the is! it is! ha ha! Congrats to you & Cathy on being together so long, that is truly inspiring. May God continue to bless you guys and your life.