Monday, May 4, 2009

marriage is ordained by God

Cathy and I celebrated our 31st anniversary Saturday May the 2nd. I want to take this opportunity to let Cathy know just how much I love and thank my Lord for you.
Cathy, you are my wife, bride, lover, friend, finical adviser, confidant, critic, an understanding heart, my doctor when I am sick, a shoulder for a grown man to cry on, my Saint on this side of the grave, "just call me butter, cause I'm on a roll;~}" you are my spiritual adviser. I could go on with many more adjectives and superlatives to describe my blessing from God, Cathy.
I was telling some of my co-workers about mine and Cathy's 31st anniversary. I received some interesting comments to say the least. One said something to the effect of , "to the same woman?" One said WOW!!!! that is a mild stone this day and age."
I guess the one that I was most taken by was offered by a young woman. She asked if this was the first marriage for both of us. She went on to ask, with a big smile of approval on her face, how many kids do you have? Then she asked a some what troubling question, "do either of you have kids with anyone else?" And of course I affirmed emphatically, NO!!!! She was almost gitty, she told me that she would love to have a real man in her life to take care of her. My Bible tells me that they two become one flesh. It also states that a man that finds a wife finds a good thing. I found a GREAT THING! Cathy. I love you baby.
I am looking forward to many more happy years together with you. All of my heart, Dean


Yvonne said...

Love it !!!!! May God's richest blessings be upon you both is my prayer & may He bless you with many, many more happy years together. Great wording---God Bless from Cassandra's Mom

Daniel Balboa said...

Got your message about the Blogspot set up. I created it from scratch.

Hit me up with my normal email. Daniel AT Balboaphotography dot com

I'll just give you the code if you want.

Anonymous said...

I hope Mark and I can make it that long! You two are an amazing couple and we love y'all!-Jenna